Would you buy a car from this man?

Would you like to walk into a auto-dealer and buy a car from this man? No, I didn't think so. So, can you then consider voting for this man, giving him the power over the worlds largest army, the greatest stock pile of nukes and the responsibility over your and every Americans private economy? Just think about it for a while. His predecessor, Bush the younger (and less bright), threw the US into a war without end. A war that caused the death of thousands of Americans and hundred of thousands of Iraqis. It also cost the tax payers billions and billions of dollars. Money that you will never see again. Bush has the main responsibility for the economic crisis in the US and the rest of the world. It may all ready have cost you your job, your house or made the morgages too large to pay off. John McCain and Sarah Palin walks in the footsteps of the Bush administration. Do you want it that way? The choice is yours. Vote!
Etiketter: John McCain
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