Boycott the Olympic Games in China
It is a shame that the worlds countries didn't boycott the summer olympics in Germany 1936. Germany was a national socialist dictature that openly declared war against homosexuals, ethnic minorities and political opposition, killing over six million people in concentration camps and causing the death of over forty million people in the world war II. So, what has the world learned of the history? NOTHING! Next year China will host the summer olympics in Beijing. China is a authoritarian dictature that each year murders and tortures more of it's own population than all other regimes in the world combined. Free chinese media is banned from the olympic games. The old town of Beijing is torn to the ground because the construction of high profile buildings for the olympic games. The residents are evicted. The countries of southeast Asia must learn that the majority of the worlds people dont accept turture, political murder and state terror. Burma, China, Thailand and Vietnam are all ruled by one party systems or military regimes. In Burma the army kills monks and students without any regrets or camplains from its strongest supporter, China. Both China and Burma killed thousands of protesters during demonstrations in the late 1980s. Today, Burma does it again. And China cooperates, selling weapons to the military regime in Naypyidaw. Why do we let this occur? I will not cope with it anymore. I will do as the Soth African priest and democracy fighter, Desmond Tutu. I will boycott the olympic games in China!
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