tisdag, mars 21, 2006

Lets turmoil!

Follow the the people of Belorussia, Washington and Paris. Give the fucking politicians what they deserve. Lets turmoil! Now it is the time to riot - nothing gonna stop us now. Lets start the great countdown to june 6 when the shit is coming down. It is good from time to time to pull out the good old gillouttine outha the store and cut of some scumbag corrupt politicians head from. The hunt is on!

tisdag, mars 14, 2006

Milosovic murdered?

What really happened to Milosovic? Did he die, just like that or was he murdered in a conspiracy? I think it is a little suspicious that Milosovic died that suddenly. Of course people die without warning but this was just to convinient for to many of his former friends and later enemies. It will be up to the future to show what happened to the late serbian president.

torsdag, mars 02, 2006

Democracy in the Middle east?

Is it really democracy that the western world want to see in the Middle east? Look at Iran, Palestine and Iraq. It seems like the democratic process in these countries is a contradiction to the will and hopes of the US and EU. In Palestine, the majority of the people votes for Hamas in the democratic election. Hamas is a party that has the annihilation of Israel as its overwealming goal. How can the western democracies see the election in Palestine as a victory for the peace and stability in the region as George W is promoting it? Does George W want to see democracy in Saudi Arabia? I doubt it. Saudi Arabia is a major oil exporter for the thirsty american market. Without the saudi oil the American and European economies would have a hard time surviving. Saudi Arabia is also a wahabi-royalistic dictature where women and men are decapitated in public for breaking the sharia law. If it is true as US and EU says that democracy is a must for peace and stability in the region - why is Iraq then the only country that americans and brits attack to promote western values? Why isn´t it interesting to force the Saudi royal family into subdomination under western democracy? Does the US and EU want to see a democratic process in Saudi Arabia. Is the western world willing to risk that in Saudi Arabia a even harsher islamistic gouvernment is the prize we will have to pay for democratic values? I doubt it. I think the world is too addicted to Saudi oil too force the saudis into democracy. Otherwise an attack on Saudi Arabia would be the natural consequence on George W:s talk on forcing democracy on the Middle east.