söndag, juli 30, 2006

Cowards and murderers

Cowards and murderers. That is all that I want to say this black sunday.

No, Hell no. More is to be said.

Damn you who killed all the civilians in Qana.
Damn you who don´t open your mouth and condemn massacres on civilians.
Damn you who are there to stop war, murder and massacres but just talk and never act.
Damn you who sell weapons to murderers and watch their backs against all critizism.
Damn you who slaughter and kill in the name of God, Freedom and Peace.
Damn you who talk about negociations while people are murdered.
Damn you who use resolutions as national trading cards.

Damn you all to Hell.

torsdag, juli 27, 2006

Israel declares war against the world

When Israel attacked the UN personel in Lebanon they passed a final line in their on going offence on international rules. It is now clear that Israel has declared war not only on Hezbollah - but also on Lebanon and the rest of the world. The UN fills no purpose today. It is only a big kindergarten where the big countries swabbels about stability, democracy and human values. Hollow terms with no real content anymore. If there is a time for the UN to reapair its dirty and shattered reputation after blunders in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia it is now. The UN must strongly condemn Israels military and government for its crimes against mankind and if there is need for it interfere and stop the on going genocide with military force. Otherwise it is time for decent countries to stop the payment to this dinosaur organization immediately. Stop the killings, send the war criminals (on both sides) to the court in the Hauge and give the people in Israel, Palestine and Lebanon peace and order now.

onsdag, juli 19, 2006

German censormania

What is really the problem with Germanys censors? The germans are notorically censoring and banning games and movies. A famous examples is the italian director Pier Paolo Passolinis anti-fascist movie "Salo o los 120 días de Sodoma" which was banned in 1975 and STILL is not allowed in Germany. On the gaming front the german censor authorities has been rabid the last years. The games "Carmageddon" and "Castle Wolfenstein" had to be changed to fit the censor authorities. Games like "Postal" and the new game "Dead Rising" for the X-box didn´t even pass the authorities sharp eyes. What is this? Not freedom of soeech and artistic freedom from governmental interfereance anyway. It looks like some of the manners from the late DDR still is alive and kicking.

torsdag, juli 13, 2006

And Hell breaks loose

Didn´t we all just see it coming? War between Israel and Lebanon (and maybe Syria). Which side will Bush now choose? Lebanon which he so boldely defended against evil Syria or the good old friend Israel? Will we see an axis of battle - from Israel, through Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan to western Pakistan? In that case, we know, Hell is breaking loose. I personally think that the Middle East, the US and Britain in particular and the rest of the world in general now is kneedeep in it. It will be harder than ever to get out of a situation created by the west where jews, sunnis and shias break each others necks time after time after... yeah you know it. The only sane sollution to the Israel-Palestine-Lebanon situation is to send the UN (the cause of the conflict) to separate Israel, Palestina and Hizbollah, like they did in Cyprus. Do we really want to see the only three democracies in the Middle East strangle each other to death? Hell no! The US must take its responsibility and say yes to a resolution where the UN interfers before we see slaughter en masse in the Middle East again.