tisdag, juli 31, 2007

Wheres the solidarity?

Congratulations Iraq for the great success in the Asian Championship. It was a victory over colonialism, internal conflicts and imported terrorism. It was great to see all happy iraqi people in Stockholm celebrating the victory over a country that has treated Iraq like its backyard. But wait? Why do we not see as many iraqis celebrating in Copenhagen, in London, in Paris, in Madrid or in Athens? The reason is easy. Sweden is almost the only western country that allows iraqi refugees asylum, by far followed by the Netherlands and Germany. The countries that started the terror in Iraq - USA, Britain, Italy and Denmark allows allmost no iraqis asylum at all. This is not bragging over Sweden (Jordania and Syria has millions of refugees from Iraq as guests in their countries), but compare 10 000 allowed asylum requests in Sweden last year compared to 0 in Greece. It was not many years ago that Sweden recieved refugees from the military dictature in Greece. Greece today is a wealthy country compared to the most of the countries in the world. But the greek populations, as well as most of the populations in the western world, has forgot how it felt to be a refugee. The solidarity is lost. Is it racism? In Denmark it certainly is. Denmark of today has a open anti-moslem and anti-arab agenda, saying "every arab is a terrorist" not to be blended with the danes and mix up the superior danish culture. Is the reason that countries like Britain and USA, known for greeting people fleeing from death, war and hunger with open arms, now close the gate to the millions fleeing Iraq, that it was Britain and USA that started the war in Iraq, forcing millions to flee, leaving houndreds of thousands dead and molested behind? Is it only politics, covering mistaces of historical proportions, that allows the iraqi refugees to suffer? To permit asylum for all this people would be the same as admitting that the war in Iraq was a mistace and caused a catastrophy worse than ever before. I believe that both racism and the Blair-Bush blunders is the reason why the Western world is blind to the suffering of the iraqi people. See Sweden not as a dumping ground of human lives devasteted by your faul politics, but as an example to follow. Open your hearts for the iraqi people, and open your borders for the iraqi refugees. Show that you still can feel some solidarity with others than yourself.


torsdag, juli 05, 2007

4:th of July

Ok, I know it´s a day late but hey... it doesn´t matter. Congratulations anyway USA on the day of national pride. Congratulations to the dear president, mr Bush. I´ve read that you let your old friend Scooter Libby skip the Justice for all.. Thats great man! And congratulations to the successfull war against the people of Iraq. They really did deserve the punishment you put upon them all. What´s life and limbs against the American way of democracy? Hanging your enemies in the end of a rope.. Oh, yeay I also heard that the Australia minister of defence admitted that the war was caused by the anglo-american worlds thirst for oil.. (and blood!) Im sorry mister president that you dont have your old friend and killingpartner Tony "the Butcher" Blair in office anymore.. Now you stand alone with the aboriginal beating prime minister of Australia, John "white supremacy" Howard as your only ally. For you staand alone! I read a survey saying that allmost 50% of the population in every western country from Britain to New Zeeland have higher thoughts of China than US today. And why? Because you are the fucking bully, that only beat people so they hate you even more. Skip it! Behave and people will behave good at you, ok?

Congrats anyway, you maybe change... sure!
