Hooray! The massmurderer Tony Blair has now left 10 Downing Street. FOR EVER! I hope and pray that Goron Brown will be a prime minister of peace. So, please mr Brown, bring home the troops now. Try to repair some of the damages that "Bloody Tony" has created. I know, it wont be easy. Tony Blair has damaged the UK:s reputation in the rest of the world. He and George Bush are guilty to the death of houndred of thousands iraqis. History wont be kind to Tony Blair. But hey, he´s gone. GONE! Never to return. So, do whats right, mr Brown. Bring them home. They dont deserve to die in Iraq for a madman like Tony Blair anymore. No more carnage in the name of "War on Terror"! No more religious reasons for a holy war on Babylon. No more blood for oil. Peace. Taste the word P-E-A-C-E! It is nice. I has a good ring to it. He wont make any more damage. First Berlusconi, now Blair then ... Bush. And we can start to believe in peace and reason again. Not a world ruled and wrecked by fanatic lunatics. A world in peace. It is not impossible. Tony Blair is a bad person, but he is not in power anymore. You are, mr Brown. You can do it. I hope that you dont destroy this chance to make history. I hope that you will be the prime minister of peace that you have the opportunity to.
Etiketter: Tony Blair