fredag, augusti 15, 2008
söndag, augusti 10, 2008
Make Georgia member of the EU
It is not a surprise (or shouldn't be) that Russia is one of the worst nightmare neighbours imaginable. Ask the people of Afghanistan, Caucasus, Ukraine, Poland, Balticum or Finland if you don't believe it. It isn't either a surprise that Russia has a thirst of it's neighbours territories. Now Russia puts on a great show, shelling Georgia to oblivion, in purpose to claim its regions of South Ossetia and Abchazia. The UN stands paralyzed (as allways). We wouldn't believe anything else of the senile old organization. The EU is also scared to it's bones. What would happen if Europe raised it's voice against the big bad bear? Pres... (sorry.. prime minister) Putin would probably cut off all oil and gas until the european leaders came creaping back on their knees begging him for mercy. What is the US doing? It barks, but not much more than so. Probably Bush sends some weapons on the sly, but he do not want to take an open battle with Russia on the end of his term. What can we do to stop Russias agression against it's neighbouring countries? Give mister president Micheil Saakasjvili an immediate offer to join the European Union. Make Georgia member of the EU. Russia would never attack an member of the European Union. Then we could send a message to the world that Europe still is a force to be taken in consideration.
Etiketter: Georgia
onsdag, augusti 06, 2008
Nästa IB-affär?

Detta är dokumentet som fick FRA att JK-anmäla Henrik Alexandersson. Dokumentet bevisar att FRA redan tidigare har spionerat på företag som har bedrivit affärer med ryska partners. FRA gjorde detta innan de fick Riksdagens framtvingade godkännande. Att FRA reagerade som de gjorde bevisar att dokumentet är äkta samt att de är värdelösa på pr-arbete.
Etiketter: FRA