Some signs of civilization please
While the seas are on the brink of losing 90 percent of its life, more polluted than ever and the sea living spieces are at risk of being extinct before they even has been discovered, countries like Norway, Iceland and Japan fights egerly to lose up the global bans on whaling. And it is possible that they will manage. It is purely for economic reasons and the countries aren´t even dependant on the cruel and unnecessary hunting industry. Norway for example is one of the worlds richest countries thanks to it´s huge supplies of oil resourses. It is the only country in the world without a national debt. Iceland and Japan are also rich countries without dependancy on whaling. So why is it so important for them to hunt whales and earn that extra money? The coastal and island societys in Norway don´t need the hunting to survive. They allready are prosperous on their fishing industry. And the demand worldwide for whale flesh is lower than ever because of the cruel treatment against the sea mammals. Whaling is something that belongs to the past. Norway, Iceland and Japan must start to take responsibility for the worlds sea wildlife. You don´t live in poverty anymore and you don´t really depend on the whaling. So stop the cruelty now and show some signs of civilization please.